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My Stance on Campaign Issues 

• I stand for all of our rights as granted by nature’s God and listed in the Bill of Rights.

• This includes freedom of religion, as was unconstitutionally abridged during COVID.

• HB0125 ‘Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments’ should be passed and the veto overridden.

• The state should encourage freedom of the press, contrary to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision; no government, local, state, or federal should label
communications as ‘misleading’, or encourage censorship in the public square.

• Wyoming needs to take advantage of the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning the Chevron doctrine, and actively seek to overturn federal regulations that
impact the hydrocarbon energy industry and use of federal lands in Wyoming.

• In defending life from conception to natural death.
1) It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent and defenseless human being,
2) A child in utero is a human being, he or she can be nothing else,
3) Therefore, abortion is the intentional taking of an innocent, defenseless human being,
and is wrong.
4) The state should not allow or encourage euthanasia.

• I stand for school choice and parental rights.
1) Education Savings Accounts may be the best way to accomplish this goal, by encouraging parents to take a more active role in their children’s education.
2) Biological males should not be allowed to compete against biological females in athletic events, and restrooms and locker rooms should only be used by a single
biological sex.

• I believe in creating permanent property tax reform.
1) Tax policy should not be designed to fail, so as to increase the call for a state income
tax. One such example is the proposal to increase sales and use taxes to offset a
portion of property taxes.
2) Our tax system should encourage small businesses development, the primary driver
of job creation.

• I stand for lessening Wyoming’s dependence on federal funding.
1) The best place to start is likely in education funding at the primary and secondary
level. We need to take a close look at how many school district employees and
facilities are required for federal reporting and compliance.
2) Other departments, specifically Health, and Transportation are highly dependent on
federal funding. Do we have a contingency plan if cuts occur to federal funding?
3) With our federal government incurring one Trillion dollars in debt each one-hundred
days, eventually this gravy-train will end. What is Wyoming’s plan?


Educational Background

Operated irrigated and dryland crop and livestock farm; crops included corn, dry beans, spring and winter
wheat, alfalfa hay, grass for seed, oilseeds, animal operations including cow/calf, cattle backgrounding and ewe/lamb. Operated custom farming business, including grass seeding, commodity transportation and marketing.


Day to day operation of state government entity, including financial monitoring and preparation, grant
preparation, grant review, and documentation of daily activities. Coordinate activities with fellow national
groups, such as U.S. Wheat Associates, National Association of Wheat Growers, and like state groups.


2005 – Present Executive director
2003 – 2005 Government affairs director
Serve as lobbyist at state legislature. Respond to member inquiries on government regulation. Respond
and prepare comments for laws, rules and regulations, at local, state and federal level. Coordinate
activities with member national groups, such as Ag Retailers Association, CropLife America, The Fertilizer
Institute, American Seed Trade Association, and Biotechnology Information Organization. Serve on
Rocky Mountain Certified Crop Advisor regional board of directors. Served two years on North American
Certified Crop Advisor board.
2002 GOVERNOR’S OFFICE, Cheyenne, Wyoming,
Legislative Intern for Jim Geringer, Governor

Filed bills and respective department positions on same. Researched several agriculture related issues.
Attended both senate and house agriculture committee meetings.
1982 -1999 AULT-PIERCE FIRE DEPARTMENT, Ault, Colorado


Responded to emergencies and served as chief for five years. Assisted in preparing annual government
budget. Maintained personnel and equipment maintenance records, purchased supplies, prepared
monthly and annual operations report for governing body. Inspected and approved building and subdivision plans.


Computer: Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, SAS, QuickBooks, Palisade @Risk, EViews
Quantitative Software.
Certified Crop Advisor (#26724), Rocky Mountain region, serving on Rocky Mountain region
board of directors.
Licensed commercial pesticide applicator in Wyoming.
Gamma Sigma Delta member, 2001-present
President’s List, University of Wyoming, 2001, 2002
Phi Theta Kappa member, 1978
Phi Kappa Phi member, 2002
American Society of Agronomy member, 2000 – 2007
American Agricultural Economics Association member, 2005 –2019


Active member, serving as lector, Eucharistic minister, hospitality minister and on finance council,
St. Paul’s Newman Center, Laramie, Wyoming.
Founding and active member of Wyoming Weed Management Association, currently secretary
Board member, vice-president, Wyoming Capitol Club
Past board member, vice-chairman, Albany County Planning and Zoning Commission
Wyoming wheat harvest
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